A grandmother sitting with her grandkids on the couch reading a book

CDs & IRAs

Whether you are saving for retirement or just looking to let your money securely earn, we have a CD or IRA to fit.



Certificates of Deposit are a great FDIC-insured way to save with minimal risk. Community First Bank offers competitive rates with a variety of terms from 3 months up to 5 years in length. The purchaser of a Certificate of Deposit can choose how they want interest to be paid: by check, transferred to another account within the bank, or added to the face amount of the Certificate of Deposit. CD owners will receive a notice prior to the maturity of their account.  Certificates will be automatically renewed at maturity for the same length as the previous term unless other action is taken by the owner within the designated timeframe. A substantial penalty is charged for early withdrawal.


Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) were originally designed as a plan to save for retirement. These products can also provide a variety of tax advantages. Please note, it is extremely important that you discuss your retirement needs with a tax advisor prior to opening an account. A tax advisor will be able to discuss the tax implication of the different IRA products. 

Please contact the bank for more details on the IRA products available. Some accounts can be opened for as little as $100. Contributions are placed into fixed or variable rate Certificate of Deposit investments. Early withdrawal penalties apply and government penalties may also apply if the account owner is less than 59 ½ at the time of withdrawal. These accounts are FDIC insured.

It is important that you discuss your retirement needs with your tax advisor. When you determine which plan is right for you, a customer service representative will be happy to discuss current rates, more IRA details, and establish an account for you.